Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Map Guide: Aztec


    Aztec is a bomb defusal map in the Reserves Group of CS:GO. It was introduced in Counter Strike 1.5 and has continued throughout the Counter Strike Series.


   Aztec is set in a Central American Archaeology site. It has two bombsites, A and B, and features the two teams, SEAL Team 6 (CTs) and Phoenix Connection (Terrorists).
Phoenix Connection

Seal Team 6
    The CTs Spawn in a corner of the map, while the Ts spawn to the left of the temple.
De aztec-csgo-CT-2
CT Spawn

De aztec-csgo-T-2
T Spawn
    The Bombsites are A and B. Bombsite A is at the Archaeology Site, while Bombsite B is at the Temple.
De aztec-csgo-bombA-2
Bombsite A

De aztec-csgo-bombB-1
Bombsite B
    Besides these four landmarks, there are a few other places to explore, such as:

De aztec-csgo-back-2
De aztec-csgo-courtyard-1
De aztec-csgo-water-2
De aztec-csgo-bridge-4

De aztec-csgo-CT-sidehall-2
De aztec radar spectate


    In Aztec, snipers are an extremely valuable asset to your team. Since Aztec is very open, snipers can take advantage of this and cover a large area for your team. You should NOT use short range guns and CQB weapons on this map. Snipers will take you down easily.  The only places you should use these kinds of weapons are in small hallways, like Sidehall, or Bridge.

    As a CT, you should probably guard B, since if Terrorists get there and plant, you're basically screwed. Terrorists guarding at B will easily take you down from a distance, since it is very open. If Bombsite B is taken over, use flashbangs, incins and smokes to distract the enemy. At bombsite B, you should be very careful for snipers. Same goes for overpass, as these are the most open areas in the map.

    As a Terrorist, you should usually head towards B. As stated before, if you takeover B, the game will be in your favor. In the first round, however, you should go A, since CTs have more accurate guns, and if they get there first, they can kill you from a distance. If you decide to go A, you will have to go across the Bridge. Here, there is usually a large gunfight. Grenade the bridge with a flashbang then run across. At A, watch out for hiding enemies, as the monuments provide excellent hiding spots for CTs.

   At various spots in the map, you can easily get cornered. One of these places is the Overpass. Here, enemies can easily trap you and force you behind props. It is recommended that you go here only later into the round.


    Personally, I don't really like Aztec. Sure I like sniping, but I'm more used to the "Modern" maps. If I were to rate this map, I would give it a 8 out of 10. My reasoning for this is the inclusion of useless areas, such as the Courtyard and the double door area to the right of the Temple (when facing it). If you like this map, well then good for you. And I guess that concludes my Map Guide on Aztec, and if you want more content like this, then follow my blog and invite your friends. Thanks for reading. 

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